Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Generate a random binary tree [Solution]

The puzzle was to generate a random binary tree on n nodes, each structurally distinct tree being equally likely, given a uniform random number generator which can generate a number from 1,2,...,K with probability 1/K, given input of K.

The easier version was to use O(n) calls to the random number generator.

The harder version was to use O(1) calls to the random number generator.


A structurally unique tree can be encoded by its preorder traversal, which includes the null nodes, and that encoding is reversible.

Using a '1' for a node, and '0' for a null node, we get a string of n 1s and n+1 0s.

For example, just a single node tree encodes are 100. (1 for root, and 0, 0 for the left and right null children), while a tree with a root and its right child encodes as 10100.

An important property of this encoding: Every proper prefix of the encoding has at least as many 1s as 0s, and any string with n 1s and n+1 0s that has that prefix property, is the encoding of a tree.

Now if you look at the reverse of the encoding (e.g: 001 for a single node tree), it is nothing but a semi-balanced string which we encountered in an earlier blog post!

Now we can generate a tree as follows:

Generate a random string of n+1 0s and n 1s. Find the unique semi-balanced string which is a circular shift of that string.  Reverse it. Decode to get the tree which gives that preorder.

Thus the problem boils down to picking n numbers out of 2n+1 numbers (the positions of the 1s).

If we use reservoir sampling, this will take O(n) random number calls.

We can also encode the sets to a number from 1 to $\binom{2n+1}{n}$, pick a random number using _one_ random number call (remember it can take arbitrary integers as input), and decode. I will leave the decoding to you.

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