Saturday, January 23, 2016

Keep winners, throw losers?

This is a hand from a team game on BBO, where people self alert their bids.

You are West and see the opponents get to 3NT.

♠ KJ4
♥ KJ543
♦ KJ85
♣ 4
♠ 53
♥ T7
♦ A63
♣ AK9862



1: 1NT = 13-15
2: 2C = single suited, 6+ cards.
3: X = Game forcing.
4: 3NT = 4-4 majors, maximum hand.

Note, these are self alerted bids and N/S had a misunderstanding about the 3NT bid.

You lead the AK and low club, partner following and declarer showing up with QJx (declarer throwing diamonds from dummy).

Now declarer proceeds to cash 4 spades (declarer has AQxx).

What will you discard on the two spades you cannot follow to? [Please think about it before reading on].

Declarer surely has the HA. If he has the HQ, there is nothing you can do.

So assume declarer has a hand like AQxx, Axxx, Qx QJx.

Now declarer needs to guess whether to go for the heart drop or take the finesse.

Now imagine what happens if you throw your diamond losers and hold on to your club winners.

Declarer will place you with the DA (the way you bid and defended points to that). So declarer will give you 6 clubs, 3+ diamonds (atleast A and the two you discarded), 2 spades and therefore 2 or fewer hearts!

So if you discard two diamonds, declarer will get it right.

In order to make declarer guess, you need to throw a diamond and a club, i.e. throw away a winner!

If you discard a club and a diamond, declarer might place you with xx, QTx, Ax, AKxxxx and take the finesse.

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