Monday, February 2, 2015

One of my favourite bridge puzzles

I don't know the source of this one (if you do, please share) and not even sure how I came across it. I am guessing this is from before 1960.

You are South, playing rubber bridge and reach 6H.

West leads a diamond.

♠ AK54
♥ 532
♦ JT


♠ 32
♦ -
♣ 98765

Can you guarantee 6H?

[Please feel free to comment with your solution]

Solution (Updated Feb 13th 2015)

The only problem is when trumps are 4-0 and clubs are 4-0.

The solution is to ruff the first trick, and draw four rounds of trumps, pitching a diamond from dummy. Pitching a diamond is the key play.

Now you play clubs from the top. If opponents win the third round and play a diamond, you can ruff in hand with your last trump, while pitching a club from dummy, unblocking them.


  1. Trump the opening lead. Draw four rounds of trump, pitching a club on the fourth round. Play to the Ace of clubs. If both opponents follow you are home free. Play the king of clubs and the remaining club, giving up the queen if it doesn't drop. This leaves you with a trump and all good clubs in your hand.
    This doesn't work if the clubs are split four-zero, and the queen of clubs is held up to the very end. How to guarantee six then I cannot figure.

    1. Hi Rob,

      Yes, 4-0 trumps and 4-0 clubs is the main issue we need to deal with.

      Believe me, it can be done!

    2. Hi Rob,
      I have updated the blog post with a solution.
