Saturday, February 28, 2015

What is normal?

This is a hand from a recent local BAM (board-a-match) tournament in the Seattle area.

White vs Red, you are dealer and you hold: ♠83 ♥A54 ♦A975 ♣K854

You decide to open 1D and the bidding proceeds: pass by LHO, 1H by partner, 2S preemptive by RHO, 2NT ogust by LHO, 3H by RHO showing a good spade suit but a bad hand, 3S by LHO passed out. (Your side passing after the 1H bid).

What do you lead? [Please pick one before reading on]

There were the four hands:

♠ 6
♥ Q9632
♦ 843
♣ AQT6
♠ KT42
♥ KJ
♦ KQJ62
♣ 72


♠ AQJ975
♥ T87
♦ T
♣ J93
♠ 83
♥ A54
♦ A975
♣ K854


At the table, I led a low heart from Axx, and hit the jackpot, when dummy showed up with KJ, and declarer chose to play low.

We were able to cash the first 5 tricks for down 1 and +100 to us. Our teammates came back with a +140, and this board was a win for us (remember BAM scoring).

If you lead anything else, declarer will be able to make it, as he will have enough information to play the hearts correctly.

Given the bidding, I would say that underleading the heart Ace is the normal lead. Would you?

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