Friday, September 13, 2019

Defensive 4H

In an IMP team game, you are East and hold x, AQx, QJxxx, Kxxx

(If you need to know what an x is, assume lowest spots).

Your partner is dealer and opens 2S , RHO bids 3C, you pass, LHO bids 4H which ends the auction.

Partner leads the SK and yoy see:

♠ Axx
♥ x
♦ Axxx
♣ AQJ9x


♠ x
♥ AQx
♦ QJxxx
♣ Kxxx


Declarer wins the SA, cashes DA throwing a spade and plays a heart.

What is your plan?

If you go up with the HA, you get 2 hearts and a club, but that is all. Declarer can easily discard the last spade loser on clubs.

You must hope partner has Jx or Tx of hearts and play the Q!

Imagine you are declarer with KJ9xxxx  and see the Q show up. You could try winning the K and play low to cater to AQ with RHO. If declarer ducks and it is indeed AQ tight, RHO could maneuver a club ruff for partner.

Declarer could still get it right, but has to guess. If declarer guessess wrong, partner will get in with a heart to cash his spade. You now get 2 hearts, 1 spade and 1 club to beat the contract. If declarer guesses right you have just let them make an overtrick.

At MPs this is harder and going up with the A to guarantee the second heart trick is probably the percentage play.

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