Thursday, October 2, 2014

Be careful at trick one (and two)

[Another hand I had posted to bridgebase forums]

You are South playing teams, and reach a contract of 5D.

West leads the spade 5.

You see:

♠ AQ3
♥ Q752
♦ 653
♣ Q72


♠ 642
♥ AK
♦ AKQJ98
♣ K3

You have 6 diamonds, 3 hearts, 1 spade and will definitely get a club after knocking out the CA. That is 11 tricks. So what is the problem?

The problem is that your only sure dummy entry is in spades and is in danger of getting knocked out before you can unblock your hearts.

You probably don't want to play the SA at trick one. If you play the Q, East might win the SK and continue spades. If East has both the SK and CA, you will not be able to get to dummy.

Consider what happens when you play low from dummy.

You have the S6 to cover West's card, so East has to win (otherwise you have 11 tricks without needing the HQ).

Now East cannot play spades without giving you a trick.

So play low and relax, right?

Not so fast.

Suppose East wins tricks 1, and returns a club. You have to go up with the K now.

If you play a low club from hand, West will win the CA, and play a spade, knocking out the SA while both hearts and clubs are blocked.

If you go up with the K, you will have the CQ as entry in case West wins. If the CK wins, you have the SA as entry. 

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