Monday, December 29, 2014

Textbook hand in real life?

This hand had appeared playing on BBO (if I recollect correctly).

Normally, in textbooks you see plays which one might think will be required only rarely at the table: most bread and butter hands require counting and drawing the right inferences, and not some counter-intuitive subtle technique...

Anyway, you are South, and end up in 6C after your RHO preempts 3H. I don't remember the bidding, so you can ignore it.

♠ J93
♥ T9876
♣ 42


♥ 2
♦ 2
♣ AKQJT976


LHO leads a small spade. How will you play?

Solution (posted on Jan 3rd 2015)

Looks like LHO has a heart void. So LHO will have the SQ, and DA.

Seems like we got a free finesse at trick one, but if you win the T in hand, you will not make it! You will lose a diamond and a heart for sure: draw trumps and play a diamond. LHO will win the first round and exit a spade.

You need to throw your heart on the diamonds, and the only way to do that is to make sure LHO helps you by putting you in the dummy.

So win the SA at trick one (playing low from dummy), draw trumps and play diamonds.

LHO who is now left with only spades and diamonds, will have to win either the first or second round (you throw a heart on the second round if LHO ducks the first), and either lead a spade (you put up the J in dummy) or a diamond, allowing you to dispose off your losers.

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