Saturday, January 24, 2015

Are you alert enough? (bridge hand)

Playing a very casual bridge game (it happened during one of the informal lunch bridge sessions when I was at Microsoft).

You reach a small slam in hearts, and LHO leads the heart 5.

This is what you see:

♠ J96
♥ 94
♦ 874
♣ AK875


♠ KT5
♥ AKQT8762
♦ AK
♣ -

How will you play?

Solution (Posted too late)

Look at the heart spots! You are missing the J,5 and 3.

Put up the 9 on the 5! If RHO covers, you can draw the last trump by playing the 2 to the 4. If not, you can cash AK of clubs, pitching your spade losers.


  1. In order to get to your club winners, you need to establish a trump entry. With the lead of the heart 5, the only outstanding hearts are the J and 3. Rise with the 9. If it holds, then you can play your winning clubs in dummy before drawing trump. If East covers with the J, the heart 4 is promoted and you can play a heart 2 to the 4 in dummy. --Matt
