Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Another textbook hand.

This hand is based on one that occurred in a pairs game at a recent Sectional in Everett, WA.

Assume you are playing teams, though.

You are South and reach 6H, and get a club lead.

♠ AQT432
♥ 72
♦ A2
♣ KQ2


♠ 5
♥ AKJT986
♦ 43
♣ A43

How will you play?

Suggested line (added April 16 2015)

If trumps are 2-2, you will have an easy 12 tricks.

If you have a trump loser, then you need to do something about the diamond loser.

Spades are a potential source of that trick.

Since you might need entries to dummy, you win trick one in hand.

If spades are 4-2, you need 3 entries in the non-spade suits to setup and cash the extra spade tricks (the SA is an entry for a ruff).

If spades are 5-1, you need 4 non-spade entries. Not sure what to do about a 6-0 spade break.

So the suggested line is:

Win CA in hand. Play spade to A and ruff a spade in hand with one of J,T,9,8. Preserve the 6!

If spades are 4-2, you can now just play trumps from the top.

If spades are 5-1, and LHO hasn't ruffed, you now play the HJ from hand! The opponents cannot duck this (if trumps are 3-1) and now the H7 is the extra entry you need to dummy!

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